A downloadable game for Windows

This is a short demo for a game I made for my oc, if you like the art style or other parts of the game please stay tuned, there might be an official release idk when...

The full play-through will be less than 10 minutes, if you happen to encounter bugs, please report to me and restart the program. From my tests there's something wrong with the collision box in the first room, ...but it's the best I can get. if you get stuck in the air, try to slightly switch directions.

Anyway, you'll play a girl named Althea who lives in a place called Dawn City, please enjoy the game!!!

There are English and Mandarin versions available by now. (the one with "zh" is Mandarin


这是我给我OC 做的一个简单的demo,如果你喜欢游戏的画风或者别的,敬请期待!也许会有正式版本但我也不知道啥时候......

完整的游戏过程不会超过 10 分钟,如果遇到bug请向我报告并重启。根据我的测试,第一个房间里的碰撞框有问题,......但是这是我能得到的最好的结果。如果你被卡在空气中,请尝试稍微转换方向。





afterdusk.zip 435 MB
afterdusk-zh.zip 435 MB