Completing The Game

So like... this is a big deal for us! we finished making the game!

I think it may help if I introduce myself a little: I'm Geekazodium, I like video games a lot, I enjoy coding, for this project, I was the lead developer [citation needed], I think participating in this game jam has taught me a lot about how I should probably prepare if I'm working with others, I did most of the coding for the core mechanics of the game. UI and was mostly handled by the other developer(s) in our team.

So about working in a team....

Yeah, there's no beating around the bush, I was not very good at leading the coding side, we had a lot of technical issues due to my decision making on what platform to use, I failed to help distribute work evenly, and I worked a tad bit too late into the night to finish the making of this game.

A key issue that came up was the matter that I really liked using rust, while my teammates don't even know how to write anything in rust (not their fault, it's not exactly the most widely used programming language despite how much of a fan of it I am) this was the point where, a programmer who is more experienced than me, would have attempted to weigh the upsides and downsides of using rust vs using C#(the programming language the other developers used) This could involve actually arranging a day some time before the event to practice splitting up the work on something, something like flappy bird. This would have helped me either get more used to C# or figured out a good enough system for the compromise of writing parts of it in rust and parts of it in C#. 

This situation was not helped by the fact that I didn't exactly trust unity, the pricing *indcident* has left me highly suspicious of unity, I jumped to writing the prototype in godot, which neither of the other developers had set up, and given a tight schedule of 72 hours, time wrangling a computer and it's strange errors is not available. 

And in addition to all of that, we were working remotely, meaning the ability to just reach out for "hey we need to really confirm this" turned out to be harder for me (given the fact that I sucked at typing on my phone and didn't have the app our group was using to communicate on my pc).

And to think, that all of this could have been prevented by a conversation the day before on how we want to actually manage this project, and that I should be willing to compromise earlier than later.

These should have been decided much earlier in process, in the first discussion our group had:

- how do we manage the source code for the project?

- what game engine to use?

- what coding language do we use?

Well... this all happend really fast, I just hope I didn't make anyone feel left out...

Get Child of Entropy


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You really do a good job in this project! And don't push too much pressure on yourself! (My English is no so good and hope you don't misunderstand)